Guide to Social Coding
Recently, most Rubyists are using GitHub to publish their own code. Most attendees to this kaigi are probably already using GitHub.
Do you know the slogan "social coding?"
GitHub provides us with many features for social coding. For example, one useful feature is pull request. By using this, you can contribute easily in the same way to projects on GitHub no matter how large the project is.
However, there are not many Japanese social coders currently... I examined how many Japanese developers have sent pull requests to popular projects in Ruby: Ruby on Rails has 82 requests out of 3812 requests (2.15 %), Sinatra has 6 requests out of 241 requests (2.49 %), Homebrew has 133 requests out of 6382 requests (2.08 %). The average number of pull requests is 74 (2.24 %), and the total number of Japanese developers is 73 developers out of 3450 developers. Just 2.24 %...
There have been some talks and articles about social coding, but we haven't seen any talks and articles about "how to social coding" yet. (for Japanese developers...)
So, I will discuss "how to social coding" with my past pull requests.
(Talk will be in Japanese, but slides will be provided in English.)
Shota Fukumori (sora_h)
COOKPAD Inc. && team.pasra.tk
A Ruby committer. Coding part-time at COOKPAD Inc. (of course I code socially) http://sorah.jp/